Thursday, 17 July 2014


This is my go-to breakfast.  When I’m too lazy to make anything, this is what I would make. I started making this in first year of university when they’d serve us very unhealthy breakfasts and I wanted to control what I ate so I made my own toast. Back then it was only with peanut butter and it was just as good until I discovered almond butter.

The combination of banana and peanut butter is already good as it is, but with almond butter, it’s even better. Also, with all of this on your extremely healthy toast, you won’t be able to taste the “healthiness” of your bread.

So for substitution, you can use peanut butter, or if you’re allergic, you can definitely try sesame butter, but almond butter is the way to go.

This is pretty much self explanatory since it’s so easy, but I’ll give the steps to how I made this. 

1. Toast your bread to your liking.

2. While its toasting, cut up your banana into thin slices

3. Next, when your toast it done, let it cool for about a minute or so, so your almond butter doesn’t’ get too runny on your toast. And when it’s cooled down a bit, spread the almond butter and add the slices of banana on top!

Also, you can eat this with some fruit such as blueberries, and glass of almond milk to complete your meal. And voila!  A healthy and delicious breakfast filled with tons of protein to start your day off right. 

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